perjantai 3. tammikuuta 2014



YLE RADIO 1, 3.1.2014, Kirjakerho klo 17.20, Varhainen homokirjallisuus

Termi homoseksuaalisuus otettiin käyttöön Euroopassa 1800-luvulla. Maailmakirjallisuus on kuitenkin aina kuvannut saman sukupuolisten välistä rakkautta ja intohimoa. Vieraina ovat aasialaisen kulttuurin tutkija ja Miesten kesken -antologian toimittaja Jukka Miettinen ja keskiajan tutkija Tom Linkinen.

Hyh, hyh, Yleen tarvittaisiin hajulukko, sen verran väkevää paskapökälettä sieltä pukkaa.

Vasemmistolaiset propagandistit ja friikit ovat 1960-luvun lopulta lähtien vallanneet yliopiston ja akateemisen maailman, mutta vasta viime vuosina he ovat onnistuneet kieron määrätietoisella junttaamisella normalisoimaan luonnonoikut koko yhteiskunnassa. Ilmiö on kokonaista läntistä maailmaa koskeva, mikä näkyy erityisen
selvänä Yhdysvalloissa.

Andrea O. Letania:

Why not declare the Tribune as an official homo paper? 

By the way, homosexuality involves fecal intercourse among men. Among transsexuals, it involves massive pumping of artificial hormones and mutilating/chopping off entire body parts and molding fake ones. 

Let's say homos should be free to do their thing, but why must all Americans be FORCED to accept that homo behavior is normal and healthy? Do we force atheists to praise and celebrate religion? Do we force the religious folks to praise and celebrate atheism? No, we just require both groups to respect the rights of the other groups even in vehement disagreement.

But today in cities across America, if you criticize homosexuality, you're blacklisted from jobs and careers more than Stalinists were blacklisted in the 50s. And liberals who say that Stalinists in the 50s should have had every right in every profession and office in government now say that we must all praise homosexuality...or else, you're fired. 

Tribune --- now owned and controlled by Zionists (who support the apartheid state of Israel created via massive ethnic cleansing of Palestinians) and cherrypicked homos--use images like this to fool us into believing that the homo thing is benign and so darling. Yet, it's the new McCarthyism used by Jews to promote the abnormal as the 'new normal'. Why would Jews do that? Because it's abnormal for a nation that is 98% gentile to be so totally controlled by the 2% that is Jewish. So, by making us accept the abnormal--the notion that homosexuality is the biological and moral equivalent of true sexuality involving proper/complementary organs-- , Jews hope to make us embrace the abnormality of 2% of the population controlling 95% of the media and virtually all the politicians such as whores like Obama and Mark Kirk. 

In America, you have no freedom when it comes to Jews and homos. You MUST praise them, blow them, and bend over for them. You can criticize Muslims, Russians, Chinese, Mormons, and Evangelicals, and you can have a successful career, but if you criticize Jewish power, bye bye, you're blacklisted like Rick Sanchez or Helen Thomas. And Jews are making homos the 'new Jews', which is why we must all bend over for homos as well. If Jews demand it, we must obey.

This is true of politicians, which is why politicians of both parties are running dogs of the Zionist apartheid policy and are mum about Jewish robbery via Wall Street and gambling industry. And this is why all opportunistic Democratic politicians suck up to homos and why Republican politicians are completely muted in their criticism of the homo lobby. Cowards serving the Jewish elites. Sheldon Adelson can even call for nuclear genocide against Iran and STILL be allowed to donate millions to American whore politicians.

A Christian bakery must shut down because it won't bake a 'gay wedding cake', but a billionaire Jewish slimeball who made his fortune in gambling can loudly say Iranian women and children should be nuked and still be honored and praised by American politicians. Israel has 300 illegal nukes but no problem. Iran has none but we destroyed their economy at the behest of Zionists who still occupy Palestinian lands. 

What kind of a sick society associates the beauty of the rainbow with fecal intercourse and mutilation of healthy bodily organs in 'sex change' operations? In one dominated by globalist Jewish supremacists who have perfected mind-control techniques via the media and advertising. 

Journalists no longer pursue the truth with courage but instead push the agenda instilled into their feeble minds by the Jewish media-academia-financial complex that sold the homo agenda like advertising companies sell cosmetics. Irrational manipulation.

Kaikkein upeimpia, hienoimpia ja ihmeellisimpiä ihmisiä ovat tietenkin juutalaiset homoseksuaalit, mikäli on uskomista juutalaisten homoseksuaalien omaan sanaan ja miksemme uskoisi. Haaretz-sanomalehti uutisoi 29.12.2013:
Homosexual Jews have "higher souls" than gentiles, gay or straight, the deputy minister for religious services told the Israeli daily Maariv in an article published on Friday.

Taki Media kertoo millaisesta perversiosta homoudesta on kyse, josta valtamediat eivät halua nykyään vahingossaan keskustella, koska ikävät tosiasiat rikkoisivat vaivoin rakennettun myytin ihmeellisistä ja pyhimyksiksi (sic) nostetuista sodomiiteista.

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